
Making global payments to freelancers and remote employees is a challenge. You want to pay them in the local currency, but you also need to make sure that the money gets into their accounts without being lost or stuck in some kind of bureaucratic limbo. To solve this problem, we're going to look at how blockchain technology can help make payments easier for everyone involved.

How local payments work in freelance markets

Local payments are common in freelance markets. Freelancers have to deal with a lot of different currencies, and they need to get paid in their local currency. Local payment protocols like Bitwage and Paypal aren't widely adopted yet, but blockchain technology can help make local payments easier for freelancers by providing the infrastructure needed for these protocols to be used on a global scale.

Blockchain and the consensus layer for local payments

Blockchain technology is often used to create digital currencies, but it can also be used to create local payment protocols. These new protocols are what allow blockchain-based systems to process payments in different currencies. The consensus layer uses the same technology as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to verify transactions and prevent fraud.

The most common way that companies use blockchain technology today is through cryptocurrency trading, but there are many other applications for this emerging field of study and practice--including local payments!

Local payment protocols with blockchain technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralized ledger. It can be used to facilitate local payments, transfer funds between two parties, and track and record transactions.

Blockchain technology was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 as the underlying infrastructure for Bitcoin--the world's first cryptocurrency. Since then, it's gained popularity among many companies in various industries as a way of securely recording data without having to rely on any centralized authority like banks or governments.

With proper planning and the right technology, local payments for remote workers can be a reality

If you're a remote worker who gets paid in one currency but lives in another, blockchain technology can help make local payments possible. Blockchain can ensure that freelancers get paid in the currency they expect, reduce the risk of fraud and chargebacks, and reduce the cost of payments for freelancers.

In this article we'll explore how blockchain makes this possible by looking at two different scenarios: one where a company pays its employees abroad using its own funds; another where an international client pays an employee who lives locally (e.g., using Stripe).


The future of local payments for remote workers is bright. With proper planning and the right technology, it's possible to build a system that will allow freelancers from around the world to get paid in their local currency from anywhere in the world.