
If you're a freelancer, you know that project management can be challenging. You have to juggle multiple clients at once while also keeping track of time and expenses. That's why it's important to have the right tools on hand—the ones that will make your life easier and ensure client satisfaction. In this article, we'll go over some of the top project management tools that every freelancer should be using:

The right project management tool

As a freelancer, you want to choose a project management tool that is easy to use and flexible. You also need to make sure the user interface is good and has a good customer support team behind it.

In addition, the tool should have a good reputation in the industry--this will help you feel confident when recommending it to clients who may not be familiar with all of these terms!

Workflow automation software

Workflow automation software is a great way to save time and money. You can use templates to create repetitive tasks, like sending invoices or setting up meetings with clients. This way you don't have to do it all yourself; the software does it for you!

Some examples of workflow automation software include:

  • Teamwork ( - A project management tool that helps you organize your work through project boards and task lists

  • Asana ( - A collaboration platform where teams can assign tasks, track progress on projects, share files and collaborate together in real time

CRM & accounting software

CRM stands for "customer relationship management," and it's the software you use to track your customers.

Accounting software is the tool that helps you keep track of money coming in and going out.

You'll need both of these tools if you want to run a successful project business!

Time tracking software

Time tracking software is an essential tool for any freelancer, but it's especially helpful if you're billing clients. Time tracking software can help you manage your time more effectively and accurately bill your clients.

Time tracking software can be used in a number of ways:

  • It can help you track how much time you spend on a project. This will give you an accurate picture of how long it takes to complete different tasks, which will make it easier to create accurate estimates when bidding on new jobs or quoting existing ones. You'll also have an easier time managing large projects by breaking them up into smaller chunks (e.g., "First draft" vs "Second revision").

  • If your client pays by the hour or day rather than by deliverables (and most do), this data can serve as proof that they were charged correctly for services rendered during those periods in which work was completed--or that some invoices may need adjustment due to unforeseen circumstances like delays caused by weather or other factors outside our control

These tools will help you manage and bill your clients.

These tools will help you manage and bill your clients. If you are a freelancer, these tools will help you manage and bill your clients. If you have a small business, these tools will help you manage and bill your clients.


I hope this guide has been helpful in helping you find the right project management, workflow automation and CRM software for your freelancing business. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us at bronson[at]